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Handling IT Asset Management Challenges as Service Management Expands

5 ways ITSM has changed in past decade

IT Asset Management Meets Employee Service Management

IT asset management can be a fundamental element of ongoing organizational success. Organizations large and small, in multiple industries, rely on technology to keep their businesses running smoothly. This creates a premium on managing your IT assets dynamically without exhausting your resources – resources that could potentially be better spent elsewhere. Without the right strategy and solution in place, ITAM can be a tedious and time-consuming task. So, what can your company do about it? Simplifying your overall process is a solid first step towards dealing with IT asset management challenges. Automating as many tasks as possible is great place to start, thus helping create greater efficiency and freeing up your resources in the process. IT asset management can also be combined with an employee-focused service management strategy, which can give you an even greater service desk ROI across your organization.

Benefits of IT Asset Management

Combining contractual, inventory, and financial management efforts under a single umbrella of IT asset management has additional benefits as well. One advantage is the ability to keep track of your software, network, and hardware assets as well as their relative condition. This gives you added visibility as to where they are in their individual life cycles, which can be useful for making purchasing decisions. Competent and thorough ITAM allows an organization to optimize support, planning, and strategy, as well as their management efforts in a more holistic manner. This enables better clarity as businesses change and evolve, understanding how each asset can affect others over time. One of the key benefits of IT asset management (when done effectively), is that this process allows better, proactive decision making.

IT Asset Management Challenges

IT asset management is not always straightforward and simple to execute. Knowing what you have, where your assets are currently deployed or sidelined, and what they are being used for (and by whom), is intrinsically important to the business. On the other hand, if your asset management and employee service management solutions aren’t working together, it can be nearly impossible to get a clear and complete picture of what is really happening in your organization. Many leading organizations have chosen to reduce their IT asset management challenges by linking their asset management efforts to their employee service management solutions. ITAM can be effectively combined with ESM solutions, driving efficiency and efficacy within the IT department and across the organization at the planning and management levels.

Driving Home the Benefits of IT Asset Management With IT Service Management

A robust IT service management strategy that incorporates IT asset management brings the two connected efforts into a full union, supporting effective planning and strategic decision making by combining data rather than separating it into two distinct silos. Practically speaking, there’s no reason to separate the data. If your service desk admin can detect which devices/users are impacted by a network outage, that’s an advantage. If a change manager knows which laptops are using a cloud application, he/she can better plan for an update in order to minimize disruptions for impacted employees. Businesses that run on technology – which is practically every business – can benefit from applying an IT asset management-enabled employee service management solution to their forecasting, management, and communication efforts. After all, tracking and managing technology along with who uses it is a vital part of effective service management. To learn more about IT asset management, visit the SolarWinds-Samanage blog.
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Liz Beavers
Like many IT professionals, Liz’s entry into the tech industry was unconventional. With plans to pursue a career in public relations, Liz’s career quickly took…
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