Home > Secure by Design: Securing the Software Development Build Environment

Secure by Design: Securing the Software Development Build Environment

The recent SUNBURST cyberattack on the SolarWinds software build environment is a concerning new reality for the software industry, representing the increasingly sophisticated actions by outside nation-states on the supply chains and infrastructure on which we all rely. SolarWinds is committed to sharing our learnings about this attack broadly given the common development practices in the industry and our belief that transparency and cooperation are our best tools to help prevent and protect against future attacks.

Join us as SolarWinds® SVP, Engineering Lee McClendon, KPMG Director, of Cyber Security Services Caleb Queern, and Head Geek Thomas LaRock, discuss how SolarWinds is prioritizing security in its software build environment, and what the entire industry can learn about next-generation software development.

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