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Speaking of THWACKcamp…

For those who don’t know, THWACKcamp is our free annual community event. This year’s virtual IT extravaganza takes place on April 17 – 18, and we can’t wait to share knowledge, showcase product features, and enjoy some camaraderie in the chat. As the opening day approaches, I thought I’d treat you to some inside information on how we put this event together and, more specifically, how we choose our speakers.

We want THWACKcamp to be a valuable experience, so we work hard to secure compelling and knowledgeable speakers. The process of speaker selection starts months in advance. THWACKcamp caters to all levels of experience and a variety of roles. With this in mind, we make sure to cover a wide range of topics, with speakers drawn from the executive board to the IT help desk, and everywhere in between.

We begin with a high-level idea of what topics we hope to explore during the event, then seek out experts on these subjects. The core event-planning team comprises representatives from multiple departments. They recommend presenters based on availability, industry experience, product knowledge, presentation skill, and more.

We also take feedback from previous THWACKcamps into account when choosing our speakers. We study feedback on session topics, suggestions on guests, and other event-related commentary. Customers tell use-case stories from their environments; product leaders share plans and projects. All of these and more are factored in. We want THWACKcamp to be an event you walk away from happy, feeling like you learned something or made a new connection – hopefully all three. Speaker selection is a big part of this.

Once we’ve finalized our speakers, we begin collaborating with them to develop topic and session content, working across multiple schedules to ensure you have the most enlightening experience possible (and hopefully have a little fun along the way). It’s a great honor to share my experience with you at THWACKcamp this year, and every year. I know our speakers feel the same.

Countless people and lots of time and hard work go into planning THWACKcamp each year, and we can’t wait to share the fruits of our labor with you all on April 17 - 18. Don’t miss out on the action! If you still haven’t, be sure to register today.

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Chrystal Taylor
Chrystal Taylor is a dedicated technologist with nearly a decade of experience and has built her career by leveraging curiosity to solve problems, no matter…
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