
Latest Posts in Security

An A-B-C Approach to Improving Security Compliance

Security is always an important topic with our government customers. Here’s an applicable article from my colleague, Joe Kim, in which he offers some tips on compliance. Ensuring that an…

Microsoft Workstation Logs – Focus on What’s Important

Can you have too much of a good thing? Maybe not, but you can certainly have too much of the wrong thing. In my first blog, I introduced the idea…

Microsoft Workstation Logs – An Introduction

We’ve all heard the saying, “What you see is what you get.” Life isn’t quite so simple for those focused on security, as what you don’t see is more likely…

Disaster Recovery – Focus on the Disaster First!

When organizations first take on the challenge of setting up a disaster recovery plan, it’s almost always based on the premise that a complete failure will occur. With that in…

From Financial to Federal: Three Hot Technologies Affecting Government IT

It’s the time of year when we look toward the future. Here’s an interesting article from my colleague, Joe Kim, where he provides a few predictions. Want a good idea…

The Legacy IT Pro

In the fast-paced world of IT, can you afford to be a legacy IT pro? This is a concern for many, which makes it worth examining. IT functions have been…

Landing on a Secure File Sharing Solution

Back in October, I wrote about Shadow IT and how some users are turning to popular file sharing applications like Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive to get their work done…

5 More Ways I Can Steal Your Data: Hire People Who Lack Empathy

In this last post of my 5 More Ways I Can Steal Your Data series, I focus on my belief that all data security comes down to empathy. Yes, that…

Non-IT File Sharing and HIPAA Implications

When I first considered writing this post about possible HIPAA violations, I could clearly imagine how non-IT compliant file sharing could cause issues with HIPAA compliance. It wasn’t until I…

The Business Challenges We See Today

Over the next few weeks, I will be releasing a series of articles covering the value of data analytics and insight, focusing on five of the key business drivers that…