The 4 Pillars of Effective Database Observability

SolarWinds just dropped a whitepaper, From Monitoring to Mastery: Optimizing Database Performance…

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SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor Now Supports Heroku

In November, Database Performance Monitor introduced support for databases hosted on Amazon RDS. In the spirit of monitoring all of the databases on all of the platforms, we are excited…

The Strategic Importance of Database Administration

If you draw a diagram of information flow and interaction amongst teams and processes in IT, you’ll probably find that although some parts of the organization are “leaf” or “edge”…

Nothing Is Free, Including Buffer Space

Let’s talk a bit about free space in buffer, what SQL Sentry Performance Advisor is showing you, and what it means.

Improved User Parsing From The MySQL Protocol

This isn’t really a feature we should brag about, because it’s a bug that took us a while to figure out, but we believe in sharing the bad as well…

Parsing the Redis TCP Protocol

When we decided to go beyond just MySQL monitoring, we had a couple of natural next choices. The decision involved engineering effort, the likelihood we’d find MySQL-specific things in our…

Finding Query Samples With Errors And Warnings

You probably have known for a while that SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor (DPM) inspects TCP traffic and captures query errors and warnings, so you can find problems in production that you…

Siesta – RESTful Services Made Simple in Go

All of our services (external REST APIs and internal services) are written in Go. Like others, we wanted to factor out repeated code, but found it hard to do without…

The Five Stages of Debugging

Because it’s Friday afternoon and you may have had a long week, our brainiacs present… The Five Stages Of Debugging: Stage One. Denial – “What do you mean it’s broken!?…

Consul for Cluster Health Monitoring

If you’re not familiar with Consul, it’s what I call a cluster management tool. It’s composed of a handful of features such as “Service Discovery,” “Key Value Store,” “DNS Server,”…

DBA Personalities: DISC and Values Models

What personality characteristics do great DBAs share? What motivates them? If you’re not sure why you should care, you’re probably not a hiring manager! Hiring and retaining highly skilled people…