
Tag: gestaltit

Is Hyperconverged Infrastructure Beneficial for the SMB?

So much in IT today is focused on the enterprise. At times, smaller organizations get left out of big enterprise data center conversations. Enterprise tools are far too expensive and…

Why Choose HCI Over Other Virtualization Approaches?

This is the second of a series of five posts on the market space for hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI). To be clear, as the previous blog post outlined, there are many…

Maintaining a Secure Environment: Understanding Its Components

In the previous blog, we discussed how defining use cases mapped to important security and business- related objectives are the first step in building and maintaining a secure environment. We’ve…

The Most Important Skill You’re Not Hiring For

Anyone who’s hired for a technical team can understand this scenario. You’re hiring for “X” positions, so of course you receive “X” times infinity applications. Just because you’re looking for…

Maintaining a Secure Environment: Use Cases Build a Security Policy

Security is a key operational consideration for organizations today because a breach can lead to significant losses of revenue, reputation, and legal standing. An entity’s environment is an ecosystem comprised of…

What Is Virtualization?

We’ve all been there. It’s time to consider building a home lab, whether it’s for testing a scenario, preparing for a certification, or learning more about a software application. There…

Top 5 Benefits of Hyperconverged Infrastructure

Hyperconverged infrastructure is adopted more and more every year by companies both big and small. For small- to medium-businesses (SMBs) and remote branch type companies, HCI provides an all-in-one solution…

What Is Hyperconverged Infrastructure and How HCI Works

This is the first of a five-part series on HCI. I hope you enjoy and this prompts discussion. Please feel free to reach out to me via Twitter at @MBLeib.…

Machine Artificial Intelligence Learning, or You’ve Got MAIL

Welcome to the last in this series of posts about machine learning, artificial intelligence, and so many other topical points of discussion. If this is your first time here, feel…

Is Cloud-Agnostic Even a Thing?

Before we can examine if cloud-agnostic is a thing, we must understand what it is in the first place. There are a multitude of opinions on this matter, but from…