Insights From the IT Trends Report 2024 — AI: Friend or Foe?

Artificial intelligence. It’s been on the lips of tech professionals and the…

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SolarWinds’ Database Performance Monitor SQL Injection Detection

For data-driven applications, security is of absolute importance. Virtually all modern tech-driven organizations must treat the protection of sensitive information as an imperative. At SolarWinds, we know that our customers…

Why Use Slow Query Logs When There’s SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor?

At SolarWinds, we believe that database monitoring can be much, much better than what many people currently settle for. In fact, we know that monitoring needs to be better —…

Common UI Performance Problems in Angular Apps

In this post, we analyze some performance issues we recently fixed in our web app common in AngularJS apps. We also discuss the tools we used to find and diagnose…

Addressing a Problematic MySQL Query and its Effects on Amazon Aurora

Since we announced our support for Amazon Web Service’s Aurora last year, we’ve had great experiences working with customers who use Aurora as their database system of choice. And not…

#BackToBasics: Definitions of SQL Server release acronyms

Some content updated April 2nd, 2018

How to Build a Probabilistic Sketch

Last month, we published our newest, free ebook, Sampling a Stream of Events With a Probabilistic Sketch, examining the way that SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor uses a sophisticated technique to select…

Always On Availability Groups & VMs

As Data Platform Engineers, we are responsible for maintaining the Availability of data to those that are authorized to access it. We have many tools available to us in order…

Why an App-Centric View Isn’t Enough

Sylvia Botros, Sendgrid’s lead DBA, recently told us about one of the ways her teams have found unique value in SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor. “Engineering managers and individual developers have…

Requirements for Selecting Effective Samples From an Event Stream

There are good and bad ways to select a sample from a stream of events. Depending on how you do it, the resulting sample might be biased or incomplete in…

Understanding Your SQL Server Monitoring: Part 3 – Memory (RAM)

In this series, I’ve tried to help you see the importance of SQL Server® monitoring, and also understand what that monitoring is telling you. So far, we’ve looked at how…