Business Transformation

Latest Posts in Business Transformation

Friendship Is Magic. And Harder Than It Looks.

Building relationships is no easy feat. It’s been my experience that it’s common for people (especially, but not exclusively, men) to connect with each other through activity-based friendships—you might have…

The Harsh Realities of Working From Home

To the companies who’ve practiced remote work for years or are solely online, congrats! You’re probably thriving in this environment. But as IT practitioners we need to acknowledge, while remote…

Supporting a Mobile Workforce Across the Public Sector

Over five million people work in the U.K. public sector, representing over 16% of all people in paid work, according to government figures. And mobile working is a reality of…

Distributed Computing – When Everyone Is Working From Home

We’ve officially made it past day 100 in quarantine. I hope you’ve found your groove, perfected your at-home office/workspace, learned a new language, tested six new bread recipes, and launched…

Hunting and Gathering in the Age of COVID

Collecting knowledge is a large part of everyday conversations. Contributing knowledge to a conversation keeps it going and allows individuals to learn new information, debate their current knowledge, and even…

Surviving IT in Snap Downturns

The global effect of and challenges to business in 2020 is the very definition of “unprecedented.” While large enterprises enjoy the advantage of scale to redistribute focus and sustain demand…

Return to Work: The New Different — SolarWinds TechPod 028

For many people, February 2020 marked the point when everything changed: When schools, stores, religious institutions, and businesses began to shutter their physical locations and we all began grappling with ways to turn our homes…

Gaming Groups in a Remote World

As we all come to terms with quarantine and shelter-in-place orders being extended for longer than most prepared for (both emotionally and in terms of our stash of snacks), and…

Becoming Your Family’s IT Support

Have you gotten the call/email/text yet? You know, the one where your mom tells you the printer is making a weird noise. Normally you’d reassure your mom it’s probably a…

Communication Lessons Learned by IT Pros During COVID-19

We all know how important communication is. For it to be effective, it depends on factors including its presentation, the tone, details of the message, and even non-verbal cues like…