Career Advice

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What Is Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)? The SRE Role Explained

This article was updated on June 19, 2024 Historically, there was a clear delineation between what system administrators (SysAdmins) do and what application developers are responsible for in IT organizations.…

What Is DevOps?

This post was updated on June 19, 2024 If you look back to the state of technology only a few decades ago, you’ll stumble upon a technological world full of…

A Conversation With Aaron Bertrand

Back in the early days of Microsoft SQL Server, database administrators had few resources to draw upon and learn from. In the ’90s, we had SQL Server Professional, edited by…

Understanding the Role of a Data Steward

Many years ago, in my earliest IT jobs in Omaha, Nebraska, I realized the field of data was going to continue to evolve and, as such, there would always be…

Monitoring Insights for Database Managers – SolarWinds TechPod 057

As part of our ongoing mini-series on Monitoring for Managers, Head Geek and database aficionado Kevin Kline teams up with fellow Head Geek Leon Adato to break down the essential…

Women in Tech, Upskilling, and Cloud Strategy — SolarWinds TechPod 013

Phoummala Schmitt opens up to host Alex Navarro about the unconventional career path that led her to becoming a Microsoft advocate. Listen in as they discuss taking control of your…

On Becoming a Virtualization Professional

I’ve been a VMware® evangelist and virtualization advocate for a decade. Even before I first started using VMware—by accident, I’ll admit—I’ve had the (dis?)advantage of wearing many hats in IT.…