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THWACKcamp 2018 Preview – Monitoring Microservices: IT’s Newest Hot Mess

It’s almost that time of year! We’re in full preparation mode for THWACKcamp™ 2018 and can’t wait for you to experience our sessions. Covering everything from network monitoring and management,…

IT Pro Day 2018

Guess who’s back, back again, IT Pro Day, tell a friend! SolarWinds has once again allowed me to circle the sun as a SolarWinds Head Geek™. To me, IT Pro…

Cheers to the IT Pro!

Today is the 4th annual IT Pro Day, a day created by SolarWinds to recognize the IT pros that keep businesses up and running each and every day, all year…

Happy IT Pro Day!

As we all know, lists and their thinly-veiled derivatives, listicles, drive social media. Post the “top 5 kinds of belly button lint” and you’ll probably get at least a few…

Happy IT Pro Day 2018

Perhaps the best part of being an IT pro—of being a technology professional in general—is that you don’t really have a choice. It’s an irrepressible self-nomination to a task force…

Beating Imposter Syndrome

“Hello! My Name is Phoummala and I have re-occurring imposter syndrome. I struggle with this frequently and it’s a battle that I know I am not alone in.” What is…

THWACKcamp 2018 Registration Now Open

When the IT Show Comes to Town In the past, I’ve compared the logistics of tech conferences, tradeshows, and user groups to moon landings, touring companies, and polar expedition planning.…

Monitoring Your Systems in the Cloud

What happens to our applications and infrastructure when we place them in the cloud?  Have you ever felt like you’ve lost insight into your infrastructure after migrating it to the…

A New Approach to Cloud-Native Applications and How They Could and Should Replace the Legacy Ones

“In the beginning was the word” … oops, “the cloud.” Long ago “cloud” was a buzzword, especially when it was a cool word that one knew exactly what it meant.…

Interview: Why the UK NHS is Struggling to Move to the Cloud

Despite ploughing more than £50m into the digital transformation of the NHS, evidence suggests only a handful of trusts have adopted the Government’s “cloud first” policy.   NHS Digital spent…